For those who have yet to do so, you can check your credit score for free. In this article, we look at how you can improve your credit score as a UK migrant.
Table of Contents
#1. Register to vote.
Once you’ve settled down in the country, register to vote at If you’re a resident of the EU or a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or if you acquire UK citizenship, you’ll be entitled to vote. Only municipal elections are open to EU nationals. The electoral roll is used by lenders to confirm your identity.
#2. Get a job.
Having a consistent source of income and regular employment makes you more appealing to lenders.
#3. Create a bank account in the UK.
This makes it possible for you to get paid and settle your bills. Establishing a few direct debits and making sure they are paid on schedule are wonderful ideas.
#4. Get your name on household invoices.
Make sure that some of your accounts are in your name because contracts for cell phones and utility bills are examples of credit. You should raise your credit score by paying these invoices on time.
#5. Make sensible use of credit.
Always make your loan or credit card payments on time if you are approved for one. It is best to pay off your credit card debt in full each month and to never go over your credit limit.
#6. Apply for credit within three to six months.
Applying for credit more than once in a short period will lower your credit score since it gives the impression that you are badly in need of credit.
#7. Keep a close eye on your credit history.
You can then check to see if your credit score has increased. You can use it to verify whether your report contains any errors that need to be fixed.
#8. Seek out a free credit-boosting services.
There are companies like LOQBOX that provide services that help to boost your credit score while you save. If you can wait six to twelve months, these might make it easier and less expensive for you to borrow money. However, they are not a solution if you need money right now.
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