Udemy online learning platform offers a free online course to learn how to cultivate great ideas. The free course, Ideas Come From Everywhere, is by Marissa Mayer, New Yahoo! CEO, former Vice President of Google’s Search Products and User Experience.
Marissa Mayer, believes that ideas for new products come from everywhere – every employee, every department, from both necessity and serendipity. By creating an environment where ideas can be freely exercised, like a muscle they will likely get more toned and more in tune with the organization’s circulation.
New Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer is an ideas expert. During her 13 years at Google, she oversaw the company’s Search, Maps, and Local Products in addition to User Experience.
At Google, product ideas came from users, strategic planning, acquisitions, and engineers solving problems for themselves. Marissa’s free Udemy course will teach you how to build a culture of innovation at your company.
Learn how to build a culture of innovation with, Ideas Come from Everywhere, free online course by Marrissa Mayer, VP of Google’s Search Products and User Experience.