
Study in USA: Fully Funded Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship 2024 

Published by
Mercy Awofiranye
Got Admission to Study in US or Canada? See if you are eligible for international student fundingGot Admission to Study in US or Canada? See if you are eligible for international student funding
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The Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship covers all costs for tuition, room, board, and fees for international students during their first year. Apply Below: 

When is the Application Deadline:

The application deadline for the Fully Funded Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship 2024 to study in the USA is November 1, 2024

Tell Me About The Fully Funded Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship 2024:

Berea College is the only school in the U.S. that fully funds tuition, room, board, and fees for all international students in their first year. This support includes financial aid and scholarships. After the first year, international students need to save $1,000 per year to help with their expenses. The College offers summer jobs to help students earn this amount.

Also, accepted international students must pay a $50 entrance fee and a $2,200 deposit to confirm their enrollment. This deposit can be used for expenses over their four years at the College. For those who can’t pay the full deposit, extra financial aid is available.

All international students get a paid, on-campus job through the College’s Work Program during the school year. They can use their earnings (around $2,000 in the first year) for personal expenses.

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Which Fields are Eligible?

All fields


Fully funded

Who can Apply for the Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship?

However, interested candidates must ensure they meet the following eligibility requirements: 

  • have strong academic potential and financial needs.
  • have scores between 20 and 30 on the ACT (or SAT equivalent) and have a cumulative high school GPA of at least 3.0 in a strong college prep curriculum. Students may take either the ACT or SAT.
  • Other factors such as community service, leadership qualities, and levels of motivation will also be taken into consideration.
  • Application process based on merit and evidence of leadership.
  • English Language Requirement: Applicants are required to provide evidence of meeting Berea College’s minimum English language proficiency requirements.

Required documents:

Furthermore, applicants will be required to submit the following documents:

  • International Application for Admission and Scholarship form.
  • International Personal Essay and Essay Cover Sheet.
  • Copy of official secondary school records. DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS.
  • Personal Statement of Financial Circumstances.
  • International Financial Questionnaire (IFQ).
  • International Financial Recommendation Form.
  • Two (2) Admission Recommendation forms, at least one of which should be written by a current or former teacher.
  • Copy of official scores from at least one of the following exams: TOEFL, IELTS, ACT, or SAT. You should register and take the test early to include a copy of your scores in your packet and to meet the deadline.

Which Countries Are Eligible?

All Countries

Where will the Award be Taken?

United States of America

How Many Awards?

Not specified

What is the Benefit of the Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship?

The scholarship covers tuition, room, board, and fees. 

How Long Will the Award Last?

1 year

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How to Apply:

To apply for the Berea College Undergraduate Scholarship 2024, follow these steps:

  • Click the link below to visit the scholarship webpage.
  • Apply for admission to an undergraduate program at Berea as a first-year international student.
  • If you can’t send your application packet by mail by November 1, email to request another way to submit it.
  • Requests for exceptions to the mailing requirement won’t be accepted before November 1.

Visit the Award Webpage for Details


  • Mercy Awofiranye is a creative writer with over five years of experience. Currently, she specializes in creating helpful content for students in the education space. When she's not writing, she enjoys reading, cooking, and learning new things.

This post was last modified on June 30, 2024 8:56 pm
