Apply For The Commonwealth Ocean Champions Competition 2024

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Young climate enthusiasts are encouraged to apply for the Commonwealth Ocean Champions Competition 2024. Apply Below: 

When is the Application Deadline:

The application deadline for the  Commonwealth Ocean Champions Competition 2024is currently unspecified.

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Tell Me About The Commonwealth Ocean Champions Competition:

The Commonwealth Blue Charter Ocean Youth Working Group is hosting a virtual ocean hackathon and symposium, inviting young people with innovative ideas from across the Commonwealth to compete for funding to implement their projects. The hackathon aims to address ocean and climate change challenges, with the winners being named โ€˜Commonwealth Ocean Champions for the Year of Youthโ€™ and receiving cash prizes and resources.

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Which Fields are Eligible?

Climate Enthusiasts



Who can Apply For The Commonwealth Ocean Champions Competition?

Also, applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Open to young people aged 15 – 29 years old from Commonwealth countries.ย 
  • Submissions, by filling out the application form, can be from an individual or a team.ย ย 
  • A solution to at least one issue from the Commonwealth Blue Charter action areas must be developed.ย 
  • Must be a member of the Blue Charter Ocean Youth Working Groupย ย 

Which Countries Are Eligible?

Commonwealth countries 

Where will the Award be Taken?

The winners will be announced at the Ocean Symposium during the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa and COP29 in Azerbaijan.

How Many Awards?

Not specified

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What is the Benefit of the Award?

Additionally, successful  applicants will also benefit the following:

  • Winners will receive cash prizes to support the implementation of their projects.
  • Access to resources and ongoing support to develop their solutions.
  • Recognition as โ€˜Commonwealth Ocean Champions for the Year of Youth.โ€™
  • Opportunities to share their solutions across Commonwealth Youth Networks and social media.

How to Apply:

To apply for this opportunity, visit the official webpage below.

Visit the Award Webpage for Details


  • Mercy Awofiranye is a creative writer with over five years of experience. Currently, she specializes in creating helpful content for students in the education space. When she's not writing, she enjoys reading, cooking, and learning new things.