Applications are open for the Massey Business School Scholarship 2025 In New Zealand for students who are facing financial difficulties. Apply Below:
When is the Application Deadline:
The application deadline for the Massey Business School Scholarship 2025 in New Zealand is 31 October 2024.
Table of Contents
Tell Me About The Massey Business School Scholarship:
These bursaries were established in 2016 and are funded by the Massey Business School Development Fund. At least five bursaries will go to a student in each of the five schools, and one bursary each will be given to Mฤori, Pasifika and international students.
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Which Fields are Eligible?
Business field
Who can Apply For The Massey Business School Scholarship?
Also, must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Studying internally, online, or by mixed mode, at any Massey University campus, in a programme in the Massey Business School, or a conjoint programme with the Massey Business School
- Studying full-time or part-time
- Undergraduate or postgraduate (MBA and EMBA students are eligible to apply)
- Domestic or international students
Required Documents:
Applicants are also to submit the following documents:
- a personal statement, of no more than 400 words, outlining your circumstances and future academic and career plans
- a letter of support from a referee, either academic or character, speaking to the merits of your circumstances
- an academic transcript for any study completed outside of Massey University
Which Countries Are Eligible?
All countries
Where will the Award be Taken?
New Zealand
How Many Awards?
What is the Benefit of the Award?
Additionally, the scholarship benefit amounts to $2,000 for Full-time, Part-time, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate studies.
How to Apply:
To apply for this opportunity, visit the official webpage below.
Visit the Award Webpage for Details