How to Apply for the University of Suffolk International Merit Scholarship 2025

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The University of Suffolk International Merit Scholarship (2024/5) scheme attracts and rewards international applicants who demonstrate strong academic achievement from their previous studies, whether from high school or at university.

When is the Application Deadline:

  • No specific deadline; eligible applicants are automatically considered during the admissions process.

Tell Me About The Award:

  • The International Merit Scholarship (2024/5) is designed to attract and reward international applicants who demonstrate strong academic achievement from their previous studies, whether from high school or university.

Which Fields are Eligible?

  • All undergraduate and postgraduate-taught programs are delivered by the University of Suffolk at the Ipswich campus.


Who can Apply for the University of Suffolk International Merit Scholarship?

  • Applicants must:
    • Be classified as international students (Overseas for fee purposes).
    • Apply for an undergraduate or postgraduate-taught program delivered by the University of Suffolk at the Ipswich campus.
    • Commence studies in the 2024/5 academic year.
    • Study on a full-time basis.
    • Undergraduate applicants must be starting their studies in Year 1 (Level 4).

How are Applicants Selected?

  • Automatic consideration; eligible applicants are automatically considered during the admissions process. Scholarships are awarded as follows:
    • £1,000 for applicants who meet the published entry requirements.
    • £2,000 for applicants who exceed the published entry requirements.
  • The University decides the value of the scholarship based on a combination of prior academic achievement, predicted grades, and English language proficiency.

Which Countries Are Eligible?

  • The scholarship is open to all international students classified as Overseas for fee purposes.

Where will the Award be Taken?

  • University of Suffolk, Ipswich campus, United Kingdom.

How Many Awards?

  • There is no limit to the number of awards given for the 2024/5 academic year.

What is the Benefit of the Award?

  • Scholarships of £1,000 or £2,000 as a reduction to tuition fees, based on academic achievement.

How Long Will the Award Last?

  • Undergraduate students: Awarded each year of study (excluding sandwich years) as long as they remain on their original program.
  • Postgraduate-taught students: The discount will be applied for each year of study for full-time programs.

How to Apply for the University of Suffolk International Merit Scholarship:

  • No separate application is required. All eligible applicants are automatically considered during the admissions process.

Visit the Award Webpage for Details:—2024-5—Terms-and-Conditions.pdf


  • Okechukwu Liberty is a graduate of Mass Communication and a content writer for AfterSchoolAfrica. He is dedicated to researching scholarship and empowerment opportunities to students looking to study abroad.

    Content Research Writer