AfricaLics, the African Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems, is inviting suitable PhD student candidates from universities in African countries to apply for participation in the AfricaLics PhD Visiting Fellowship Programme (2025 cohort) focused on Innovation and Development.
In this post, we’ll further detail the fellowship programme available to eligible and interested candidates.
When is the Application Deadline:
October 7, 2024, 23:00hrs East Africa Time.
Table of Contents
Tell Me About The AfricaLics PhD Visiting Fellowship Programme:
The AfricaLics PhD Visiting Fellowship Programme supports African PhD students in Innovation and Development studies by providing mentorship, online courses, and a 3-month research stay at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) in South Africa (subject to funding). The goal is to enhance research capacity and academic qualifications in this multidisciplinary field.
Successful candidates will participate in a fellowship programme combining online pre- and post-activities with a study period of 3 months at the University of Johannesburg (UJ)[1] in South Africa. The three-month study visit to UJ is, however, subject to the availability of funding. While the AfricaLics Secretariat and Scientific Board are searching for funds to finance the study visit, successful candidates are also expected to help search for funds to finance their study visit at UJ themselves (see section on funding issues).
Which Fields are Eligible?
The programme is open to PhD students in Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Science and Technology Policy, Geography, History, Development Studies, and STEM subjects (from a social science perspective), all focused on the intersection between innovation and development.
Research fellowship with online and in-person components.
Read Also: Australia Awards Fellowships 2025 (Round 20) for Developing countries
Who can Apply for the AfricaLics PhD Visiting Fellowship Programme?
PhD students:
- Enrolled in African universities.
- Must have completed their first year of PhD studies by December 2024.
- With a focus on innovation and sustainable development.
- Female students and those from low-income countries are particularly encouraged to apply.
How are Applicants Selected?
Applications are evaluated based on relevance to the field of Innovation and Development, academic background, progress in PhD studies, and support from supervisors and universities.
Which Countries Are Eligible?
PhD students from African countries classified as low and lower-middle-income by the OECD/DAC.
Where will the Award be Taken?
The online component will start in February 2025, and the 3-month study visit will take place at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, from September 1st to November 30th, 2025.
How Many Awards?
Up to six visiting fellowships will be awarded, subject to funding and the quality of applications.
What is the Benefit of the Award?
Mentorship from international scholars.
- Participation in research seminars and academic writing courses.
- Potential coverage of travel and living expenses (subject to fundraising success).
- A monthly stipend (if funding allows).
- Exposure to international research environments and networking opportunities.
How Long Will the Award Last?
The fellowship runs from February 2025 (with online components) to December 15, 2025, with the 3-month study visit taking place between September 1 and November 30, 2025.
How to Apply:
Submit the application form, a one-page motivation letter, PhD project outline, CV, academic certificates, a writing sample, and letters of support from your PhD supervisor and university administration. Email applications to: [email protected]
Visit the Award Webpage for Details: