Call for MAEC-AECID Scholarship Programs for citizens of countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia, academic year 2025-2026
OPENING WHEN: 1st February 2025
Application Deadline: 19th March 2024
Type: Master
Who can apply for Spanish Government MAEC-AECID Scholarship Programs: All the applicants of this program (SCHOLARSHIPS AFRICA-MED) must have knowledge of Spanish, meet all the requirements as stipulated in the specific conditions of section 3.1 of Annexure III and present all the documentation required as per section 3.4 of the mentioned Annexure.
Eligible Countries: Countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia
To be Taken at (Country): Spain
Number of Awards: Not specified
Duration of Award: 9 months
How to Apply for Spanish Government MAEC-AECID Scholarship Programs: See in PDF Documents below:
Call for MAEC-AECID Scholarship Programs for citizens of countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia for the 2024-2025 academic year. INFORMATION FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS. PROGRAMS: REQUIREMENTS AND DOCUMENTATION.
Annex VI. Responsible declaration. To be completed by all applicants
Annex VII. Goals and lines of action of Spanish Cooperation. Applicants for the UNIVERSITY MASTER’S Program and AFRICA-MED Program
Annex VIII. Sustainable development goals
Annex IX. Acceptance of the scholarship award proposal. To be completed only by those proposed for the grant of the scholarship
Annex X. Research, internship or training plan. To be completed only by scholarship recipients from the รFRICA-MED program (RESEARCH and PRACTICES sections) and ASALE program
Annex XI. Justifying technical report. To be completed by all beneficiaries at the end of the scholarship
Annex XII. Responsible declaration. To be completed only by beneficiaries of the ASALE program
- It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.
Visit Award Webpage for Details