South African Military Skills Development System (MSDS) 2026. Apply below.
15th March 2025
Table of Contents
If you want to follow a career in the military, the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) offers young, fit and mentally strong citizens the chance to follow a military career by joining the Military Skills Development System (MSDS).
Military Skills Development System (MSDS)
The Military Skills Development System (MSDS) is a two-year voluntary service system that allows young South African citizens to serve in uniform.
Successful MSDS candidates will receive basic military training, specific mustering and functional training in the first year and be utilised or deployed internally or externally in the second year of the MSDS.
After the 2 years, you will either continue as part of the Reserve Force or receive a contract offer to join the Regular Force.
Job (service)
To qualify for the MSDS programme, you have to meet the following requirements:
South Africa
Not specified
What kind of training can you expect?
In the first 2 years of voluntary service, you can expect to receive the following training.
First Year of Military Skills Development Service
Second Year of Military Skills Development Service
More information
Military Skills Development System members will receive wages for the duration of their two-year full-time training and utilisation.
Applicants have to complete an application form for the army, navy or air force and submit it with the following certified documents:
Once your application form is completed, and all your documents have been certified, you can post it to:
SA Army HQ
Chief Directorate Army Corporate Services
Directorate Army Human Resource
Private Bag X 981
Pretoria 0001
Specific related enquiries can be directed to 012 339 5803/5781/5243. Further information can be obtained on,
You can also follow up on your application by contacting SANDF’s human resources department on 012 339 5803/5781/5243 or via email:
Note: Requirements to join the South African Air Force (SAAF), Navy (SAN) and the Military Health Service (SAMHS) may differ to that of the SA Army, please contact to SANDF to at 021 787 1144 to find out more.
Visit Award Webpage for Details