3 Types of People During this Recession – Which Are You?

3 Types of People During this Recession – Which Are You?
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Spread the loveAre you a waiter, an insurer or a transformer? Read this post to find out how each category of people live through a recession, which you are and how it affects your outcome during and after this crisis. As economies around the world continue to head downwards due to the lockdown as a … Read more

10 Reasons Why Botswana is the Least Corrupt African Country

Why Botswana is the Least Corrupt African Country
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Spread the loveWhich country is the least corrupt in Africa and Why? You’ll find out in this article. In 1966, while gaining independence from Great Britain, a poor African country was written off as a hopeless basket case. At the time, Botswana was an extremely poor country. The nation had a total of twelve kilometres … Read more

9 Common Phrases that Devalue What You Say and Make You Look Petty

Common Phrases that Devalue What You Say and Make You Look Petty
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Spread the loveIf you have to qualify your statement with “to be honest” or “honestly,” it implies that you weren’t being honest all along. And even if what you’re going to say is honest, you’ve introduced the concept that you could also be dishonest. There are several other phrases people use every day in a … Read more

5 Movies to Learn About Past Financial Crisis

5 Movies to learn about Past Financial Crisis
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Spread the loveGoing to a seminar or reading financial books are great ways to learn about the relationship between finance and the economy. But sometimes it’s easier to just watch a movie. You are likely to take in and retain more information within a shorter time. So in today’s video, we’ll be sharing with you, … Read more

7 Lessons From 2020 Pandemic and Economic Crisis

Lessons From the Pandemic and Economic Crisis
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Spread the loveWhat are some of the lessons you have learned from the 2020 health and economic crisis? Although the 2020 pandemic is not yet over, it has taught us a lot of lessons. From the lies, the misinformation to the conspiracy theories and manipulation. We saw it all in 2020. Every crisis comes with … Read more

How the Next Global Financial Crisis Will Affect Africa

How the next Global Financial Crisis will affect Africa
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Spread the loveAfrican countries were hit first by economic crisis before the health crisis from the corona virus outbreak in 2020. Once the corona virus broke out in China, Europe and North America, demand for Africa’s products plummeted. Most African countries depend on commodities for export. So this has made very huge economic impact. African … Read more