Interview with Commonwealth Shared Scholarship winner at Cardiff University – Mesele Oluwaseun from Nigeria

Mesele Oluwaseun - Cardiff University
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Spread the loveAn excellent first class undergraduate degree and a passion for Chemistry brought Nigerian Oluwaseun Meseleโ€™s application for Cardiff Universityโ€™s Commonwealth Shared Scholarship to the attention of the deciding scholarship committee. Rising above nearly 60 other applicants, Mesele is enjoying this highly prestigious award, enabling him to study his chosen programme, MSc Physical Organic … Read more

13 Free Online Courses to Improve Your Writing Skills

writing resources
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Spread the loveArticle written and submitted by Kimberly Martinez Writing is a great way to share your thoughts, ideas and feelings with other people. There are many ways to use writing in your everyday life: while some people write for fun and entertainment, others do this for income, for education or to publish a book. … Read more

13 Online resources to Improve writing skills

writing resources
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Spread the loveThis is a guest post by John Garber Writing requires a variety of resources to be considered successful. Modern internet technology has numerous dependable tools you can use to write better. Whether you are a student, wishing you would write better papers and essays or want to become a famous screenwriter someday, there … Read more

Why you should pick up a Book Today – It’s Never too late

Why read books
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Spread the loveThe world can be divided into two groups of people: those who read and love it and those who donโ€™t. But many of us find ourselves crossing that border all too often in our lives-people who once loved to read often find that as jobs, children, paying bills and just trying to keep … Read more

12 Free Tools to learn just about anything online

qoutes about learning
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Spread the loveLifelong learners are continuously using the internet to foster self-directed learning. They take advantage of the numerous free tools and resources online to keep developing current and new skills. Obviously, you are already using one or more of these tools; but probably not to full potential. The interesting thing about technology is that … Read more

How Students can use Social Media in the Classroom

social media in class
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Spread the loveTechnology is ubiquitous these days. Everyone has a cell phone, a laptop, a tablet and/or an iPod. It seems that companies are constantly releasing new gadgets meant to save time and make life easier. This means that everything we do is centered around technology, including our personal lives and our workplace which also … Read more