Grand Challenges Africa Innovation Seed Grants 2017 for Innovative Health and Development Solutions

Grand Challenges Africa (GCA) are accepting proposals for the first round of applications and are seeking innovative global health and development solutions from researchers resident in Africa who have the support of their affiliated/primary organization, and where the major programme of work will be undertaken. Application Deadline: 17th February 2017 Eligible Countries: African countries About the Award: Grand … Read more

64 Fully-funded LSE PhD Studentships for International Students 2017 – UK

London School of Economics and Political Science is offering 64 full scholarships for new PhD students. They are available for Home UK/EU and Overseas students undertaking full time research in any LSE discipline, with annual renewal subject to satisfactory academic performance at the School.  Application Deadline: There will be three rounds of studentship selection, with a deadline attached to … Read more

Question: Should You Get an MBA or Not?

Does it really make sense to quit a job you already have, interrupt your life for two years to go back to education when you can get all the business experience you need on the job? This is a very serious question indeed especially knowing how expensive an MBA education seems to be these days. … Read more

University of Washington TRACE Scholarship Program (LL.M) for Developing Countries 2017

University of Washington and TRACE International invite application for TRACE Scholar Program to pursue studies related to strategies and tools for increasing transparency and reducing corruption. The scholarship is available to an international lawyer from a developing country. Application Deadline: 15th February, 2017. Offered annually? Yes Eligible Countries: Developing countries To be taken at (country): University of Washington, TRACE … Read more

Grenada: School of Medicine Full Tuition Scholarships for Commonwealth Countries at SGU 2017/2018

 The Commonwealth Jubilee Scholarship Program, commemorating the 60 years of the Queen’s reign as the Head of the Commonwealth of Nations, provides for 60 full-tuition scholarships to be awarded to citizens of Commonwealth nations  for study at St. George’s University. Application Deadlines:  1st November 2016 for January class. 1st of June 2017 for August class Eligible … Read more

Call for Proposals: Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER) 2017

Spider announces its second open call for proposals within thematic area Education and Learning. This time we are looking for organisations using ICT within formal or non-formal education to give vocational skills to improve employability or self-sufficiency. Application Deadline: Noon, CET, 16th December 2016. Eligible Countries: Developing countries (see list below) To be taken at (country): Stockholm University, … Read more