How the Next Global Financial Crisis Will Affect Africa

How the next Global Financial Crisis will affect Africa

African countries were hit first by economic crisis before the health crisis from the corona virus outbreak in 2020. Once the corona virus broke out in China, Europe and North America, demand for Africaโ€™s products plummeted. Most African countries depend on commodities for export. So this has made very huge economic impact. African countries were … Read more

How to Move from Idea to Start Your First Business

14 Business Ideas You Should Consider this year

โ€œHey, I have this great idea that will take the mattress industry by storm and make millions. If only I have the capital to start the business.โ€ Youโ€™ve probably heard someone make such claim before. It just seems the only thing holding them from moving from idea to business is some huge capital. But this … Read more

7 Lucrative Business Opportunities Right Now to Invest in Africa

Lucrative Business Opportunities to Invest in Africa

Africa is the fastest growing and most profitable region in the world today. Six of the 10 fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa. Some say itโ€™s risky to do business here โ€“ but we say risk and reward are inseparable siblings. Many African entrepreneurs and investors are solving real problems, creating jobs … Read more