Want to Fund Your Dream? Attend First-Ever International Student Loans Program in Lagos

Fund Your Dream: Introducing the First International Student Loan Seminar in Lagos.

Are you one of thousands of young Nigerians planning a graduate degree in US or Canada next year? Then attend this first-ever international student loans seminar! During this packed program, participants will have access to in-depth and informative session on student visas, loans and financial counselling. Selected students will also have the opportunity to apply … Read more

Top 10 highest-paid jobs in the social science field

Top 10 highest-paid jobs in the social science field

Are you passionate about studying human behavior in relation to their environment? Then the social science field is just the right call for you! Social sciences deals with the study of humans and the relationships they have within their society. It imbibes some of the characteristics of the arts discipline and the processes involved in … Read more

Top 10 highest-paid jobs in the business field

Top 10 highest-paid jobs in the business field

It was Andy Warhol who said that โ€œmaking money is art and working is an art and good business is the best artโ€. The thought of being in the business field for many people often translates to money, lots of it. However, it does not work that way. Like Andy Warhol, it is an art … Read more

Scholarships for Women in Male-Dominated Fields

Scholarships for Women in Male-Dominated Fields

Iโ€™m pretty sure youโ€™ve heard this popular phrase โ€œWhat a man can do, a woman can do betterโ€. Itโ€™s also amazing to see women break through the barriers of limitation that society has placed in front of them, and then go on ahead to achieve amazing things. By default, there are certain activities and abilities … Read more

Top 10 Highest-Paid Jobs In The Arts Field

Top 10 Highest-Paid Jobs In The Arts Field

What comes to mind when at the mention of the word Arts? Iโ€™ll go first, creativity! The Arts field encompasses diverse areas but one thing stands out in all of them and that is the avenue to explore your imagination and express your creativity.  In addition to the opportunity to harness your creativity, majoring in … Read more

20 Fellowships in the USA for Graduate International Students – Open Every Year

20 Fellowships in the USA for Graduate International Students - Open Every Year

There are different fellowships available in the United States for international students. This is to help them reduce the cost of education, especially for post-graduate studies. It is a generally known fact that although education is important, it is also expensive. Quality education is even more expensive. Unfortunately, many people are unable to afford the … Read more