10 Things You Must Ask Yourself Before Applying to a Scholarship

Things You Must Ask Yourself Before Applying to a Scholarship
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Spread the loveIf you are willing to pursue a career or profession then acquiring a degree to that effect is very important. After leaving high school, the reality to get into a college or university sets in, which are likely expensive depending on the institution, location, and other factors. A scholarship or a grant can … Read more

10 Spending Tips to Avoid Financial Stress

Spending Tips to Avoid Financial Stress
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Spread the loveHave you ever found yourself in a situation where you have an urgent financial need and your bank balance is not something to depend on? You have difficulty meeting your basic financial needs because your account balance is showing red. This could affect you psychologically and health-wise. There is nothing as stressful as … Read more

The 2 Most Important Subjects Everyone Should Study Today

The 2 Most Important Subjects Everyone Should Study Today
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Spread the loveFor the past few years, many experts have predicted an economic recession by 2020. A 2018 article on WorldFinancialReview.com stated that “it appears that there is a foregone conclusion that 2020 is the date that crash 2.0 will wreak havoc once again”. In the same year, The Independent magazine wrote, “Next global financial … Read more