How to Remember 10x More from the Books You Read – in 6 Ways

How to Remember 10x More from the Books You Read – in 6 Ways
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Spread the loveWhy read 52 books in a year if you can’t remember a fraction of the lessons from the books? You’ve probably been called out on the need to read more – because readers are leaders and the more you learn, the more you can earn; which are all true. But here’s the thing: … Read more

Why this is the Most Profitable Asset you can have today

Why this is the Most Profitable Asset you can have today
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Spread the loveWhat do you think is the greatest and most profitable asset you can have today? Is it real estate? Maybe, but it depends. Most people cannot afford a valuable piece of real estate. Is it then your university degree? Absolutely not. Money? That’s very far from it. Gary Halbert a renowned direct response … Read more

Why Most Successes are Achieved During an Economic Recession? A lesson for you

Why Most Successes are Achieved During an Economic Recession
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Spread the loveYou’ve probably heard it before that more generationally successful people and ideas are created during a recession; A time when most people are fearful and careful with their financial decisions; a time when most people spend their time either wondering when all this will end or escaping from the situation with entertaining activities. … Read more

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Data Science Career

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Data Science Career
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Spread the loveData science is all about using data to solve human problems whether in business or on a global scale. It’s about identifying patterns based on previous activities and smarter making decisions and predictions for the present and the future. It’s like a career in prophecy, using carefully organized information from the past as … Read more

10 Signs You Will Succeed as an Entrepreneur and May not Know It

10 Signs you will Succeed as an Entrepreneur and May not Know It
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Spread the loveHave you ever wondered if you have what it takes to succeed in business as an entrepreneur? It’s exciting to read the success of other entrepreneurs on Forbes magazine and; but behind the glamorous stories is blood, sweat and tears. Although not everyone is cut out for that; some people underestimate their … Read more