5 Movies to Learn About Past Financial Crisis

5 Movies to learn about Past Financial Crisis
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Spread the loveGoing to a seminar or reading financial books are great ways to learn about the relationship between finance and the economy. But sometimes it’s easier to just watch a movie. You are likely to take in and retain more information within a shorter time. So in today’s video, we’ll be sharing with you, … Read more

11 Best Places to Study Abroad if…

Best Places to Study Abroad
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Spread the loveMost people who want to study abroad have different criteria for what makes the right study destination. For instance, if the cost is a major concern, you want to stay clear of some study destinations; or if you cannot deal with cold weather, maybe due to health issues, some countries will work better … Read more

How the Next Global Financial Crisis Will Affect Africa

How the next Global Financial Crisis will affect Africa
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Spread the loveAfrican countries were hit first by economic crisis before the health crisis from the corona virus outbreak in 2020. Once the corona virus broke out in China, Europe and North America, demand for Africa’s products plummeted. Most African countries depend on commodities for export. So this has made very huge economic impact. African … Read more