If You Are Serious About Business, You Must Read These 10 Books

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Spread the loveAs an entrepreneur, you need to read books to build a budding business. Think about all the successful businessmen, what do you think contributed to the success of their business? Of course, reading books is one of them. Books help in changing one’s mindset and make him or her think differently from others. … Read more

10 Science-Proven Ways to Study Smarter and Supercharge Your Learning

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Spread the loveIf you are on a study deadline or about to be, science has found ways to help you get the most out of your study time, all backed by tedious research. In today’s video, we will share with you how to study smarter, supercharge your learning and store the information away in your head so it’s ready to … Read more

The 10 Best Careers in the Video Games Industry

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Spread the loveThe video game industry began as a sport for kids and teenagers. Today, the industry has grown to be more profitable than the film and music industries combined; and it is projected to be worth around $300 billion by 2025. The video game industry is the economic sector involved in the development, marketing, and monetization of video games. It encompasses dozens of job disciplines and … Read more