Job Promotion: Greater Freedom or Just Greater Responsibility?

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Spread the loveThis article is written and submitted by Tess Pajaron. We’re all working our way up the career ladder, one rung at a time. But while a promotion often brings us closer to our goals, there are a number of situations where a promotion may not be the best thing for your career or … Read more

How to use facebook to land an industrial training (IT) Attachment

sample Resumes for fresh graduates
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Spread the loveToday, I’ll show you how to use facebook to find a place for industrial training attachment. Facebook is not only meant for posting updates to impress friends and do things that don’t add tangible value to your life. You can actually use this social media platform to achieve something as worthwhile as getting … Read more

Job Seeker: How Facebook is killing your chances of getting a job

facebook for job seekers
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Spread the loveWhy should you worry about social media- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn- when there are more important things to worry about; like dealing with the already crowded job market, writing a resume that gets you selected for interview? Actually, your Facebook profile activity can indirectly affect your chances of getting a job. Don’t think so? … Read more

How I Scaled a Job Interview Despite being the Least Qualified Candidate

job interview tips
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Spread the loveUpdate: I shared this experience a long time. And it’s been long buried down the archive. I’m re-sharing it knowing a job seeker somewhere will be inspired reading it. Early 2009, on a Wednesday morning, desperately in need for a job, a friend told me about a job vacancy for a Safety Officer, … Read more

21 Networking Tips for Job Seekers to Build your Connection

networking for job seekers
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Spread the loveNetworking is a systematic approach to cultivating formal and informal contacts for the purpose of gaining information, enhancing visibility in the market, and obtaining referrals. Two-third (2 /3) of all jobs are secured through the process of networking. The internet is filled with fresh job opportunities every single day. Yet most of the … Read more

5 most commonly employed skills in Nigeria today – You’ll want to consider while choosing a career

Employes skills in Nigeria today
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Spread the loveMost graduates at some point begin to dislike their academic career choice. They wish they had studied something different though a lot of us will not want to admit it. It’s not such a bad thing to discover that the part you once thought was the right one for you suddenly turns out … Read more