How I Scaled a Job Interview Despite being the Least Qualified Candidate

job interview tips
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Spread the loveUpdate: I shared this experience a long time. And itโ€™s been long buried down the archive. Iโ€™m re-sharing it knowing a job seeker somewhere will be inspired reading it. Early 2009, on a Wednesday morning, desperately in need for a job, a friend told me about a job vacancy for a Safety Officer, … Read more

21 Networking Tips for Job Seekers to Build your Connection

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Spread the loveNetworking is a systematic approach to cultivating formal and informal contacts for the purpose of gaining information, enhancing visibility in the market, and obtaining referrals. Two-third (2 /3) of all jobs are secured through the process of networking. The internet is filled with fresh job opportunities every single day. Yet most of the … Read more

5 most commonly employed skills in Nigeria today โ€“ Youโ€™ll want to consider while choosing a career

Employes skills in Nigeria today
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Spread the loveMost graduates at some point begin to dislike their academic career choice. They wish they had studied something different though a lot of us will not want to admit it. Itโ€™s not such a bad thing to discover that the part you once thought was the right one for you suddenly turns out … Read more

Only 12% Employees in Nigeria are โ€œhappily employedโ€

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Spread the loveAlmost every student and graduate aspires for a dream job after going through the stress in higher institution. And a dream job is presumably one that makes you happily employed. That does not seem to be the case for most graduates and professionals in the real world. Ideally, we all have our idea … Read more

Do You Add Facebook Profile/ Page to Your Resume or Business Card?

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Spread the loveFacebook has proven to be the fastest growing trend on the internet today. A household name, almost every web surfer and business is associated with at least a facebook profile and/or page. What can or can’t be done on this social networking site is limited by your imagination. I’ve read comments from people … Read more