How technology in the classroom is changing how we learn

technology education
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Spread the loveGiven its ubiquitous nature, it stands to reason that technology would eventually make its way into the classroom. This is a trend that we have been seeing for a while now, with the advent of devices such as the Smart Board, but the speed of transition has picked up. There are more and … Read more

Networked Life – Online Course by Coursera to start on 10 September 2012 (6 weeks long)

coursera online courses
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Spread the love Next session: 10 September 2012 (6ย weeks long) The course will seek to answer the following questions: What science underlies companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google? How does your position in a social network (dis)advantage you? What do game theory and the Paris subway have to do with Internet routing? How might a … Read more

12 Free Tools to learn just about anything online

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Spread the loveLifelong learners are continuously using the internet to foster self-directed learning. They take advantage of the numerous free tools and resources online to keep developing current and new skills. Obviously, you are already using one or more of these tools; but probably not to full potential. The interesting thing about technology is that … Read more

Introducing Khan Academy Computer Science course โ€“ Learn programming FREE

Khan Academy Computer Science
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Spread the loveComputer science and programming technology are the next generation skills every young and dynamic individual would want to develop. From the predictions of the Institute for the Future, computer programming related skills take a higher priority in the top 10 future work skills. And there is currently enough evidence that every professional need … Read more

Elite Universities offer their most popular courses online at no cost โ€“ A major milestone in expanding online education

online learning courses
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Spread the loveFrom Harvard to Stanford, a growing number of elite universities are throwing open their digital doors to the masses. They’re offering their most popular courses online for no charge, allowing anyone from any part of the world with an Internet connection to learn from world-renowned scholars and scientists. Many colleges have offered Web-based … Read more

Exploring the Worth of a Distance learning MBA Program

MBA distance learning
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Spread the loveGuest Post submitted by Jonathan With more and more employers being open to embracing online MBA graduates, distance learning MBA, it can be said is on the verge of gaining new recognition and acknowledgement in not only the educational field, but also the corporate world. A recent report published by the Distance Learning … Read more