9 Powerful Motivational Tips for New Entrepreneurs

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Spread the loveStartups are on the rise and young people are eager to launch their own businesses as opposed to a nine-to-five job. As easy as it might sound, opening a business requires patience and proper planning. Even after all that is done, more planning is required. Yet the more you seem to plan and control things,the more things become … Read more

Planning Towards a Second Degree? Here are 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Postgraduate Course

Top annual scholarships
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Spread the loveIt’s  a new year and resolutions are usually made at this time of the year. At least Jane has made hers. It’s hard to tell for everyone out there what they expect to achieve this year. Jane anyway, has resolved to obtain a Masters degree after her bachelor’s and one year work experience and … Read more

Road Map to Professional Success for Engineers not Taught in School – Online Course

Stuff You Don’t Learn in Engineering School
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Spread the loveIn this online course, Stuff You Don’t Learn in Engineering School, learn the essential soft skills technical professionals need in the workplace. Enrolment: Starts on February 21, 2017 Timeline: 4 weeks @ 2-3 hours per week Skill Level: Introductory Course of Study: Business & Management for Engineers| Course Platform: Edx.org Created by: IEEE … Read more

The Insider’s Guide for TOEFL® Test Preparation: Take Online Course on Edx

TOEFL Scholarship
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Spread the lovePrepare for the TOEFL® test and learn how to improve your score and English language skills from the experts who create the exam. Enrolment: Starts on January 25, 2017 Timeline: 6 weeks @ 2-4 hours per week Skill Level: Intermediate Course of Study: English Language | Course Platform: Edx.org Created by: Educational Testing … Read more

Everyone Should Try Coding – Here’s Why & How with Microsoft Hour of Code

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Spread the loveEvery student in every school should have the opportunity to learn the basics of computer programming. Since we all communicate with at least one language, in an ever growing digital world, we should be able to basically communicate thoughts and ideas to computer programs. A recent study by Accenture predicts that digital technology … Read more

Is a Graduate Foreign Degree Program Right for You?

Most Affordable Countries to Study Abroad
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Spread the loveAre you facing a dilemma whether it is better to study in your country or abroad? You’re not alone. This is a question that many students and their families face on a regular basis. On one hand, you have the comfort of living and studying in your native country, not having to leave … Read more