How to Write a Better Fresh Graduate Resume without Work Experience (+ Free Samples)

sample Resumes for fresh graduates
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Spread the loveNeed a job? Get experience! Need experience? Get a job! This predicament has frustrated fresh graduates since the Industrial Revolution. As a fresh graduate without work experience, you have a challenge writing a resume, when you have nothing but education to work with. What you need is dedicated job research and customizing each … Read more

Smart Ways to Get Valuable Work Experience without a Job

work experience
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Spread the loveSubmitted by guest writer: Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin If you need a job, get experience first. If you need experience, get a job first. Which way out? It is not uncommon to find announcements of job openings requiring applicants to have a number of years of work experience. This is a towering stumbling block … Read more

Top 10 Tips for Writing College Admission Essay

writing resources
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Spread the loveWritten and submitted by Meghan I. College admissions is a time of anxiety and excitement for high school seniors, and the college admission essay is a perfect demonstration of this. It is exciting because you have the freedom to say what you want to say and talk about a variety of weird and … Read more

A Prescription for Becoming a Doctor – from a medical school graduate

Become a medical doctor
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Spread the loveWritten and submitted by Shan Ronald a medical school graduate When you decide that you are going to study medicine and become a doctor, you’re not making a choice, you’re making a commitment. It’s not something you should go into casually, and it’s difficult to really have a feeling of what you’re getting … Read more

4 Ways to Effectively Use Online Learning

online learning courses
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Spread the loveDistance learning is one of the more popularized means of learning online. It simply means attaining education even though you live miles away from your educator. Discussion takes place online, where you only have to communicate to your teachers through e-mails and web chat conversations. This may be far from the conventional mode … Read more

Interview with Commonwealth Shared Scholarship winner at Cardiff University – Mesele Oluwaseun from Nigeria

Mesele Oluwaseun - Cardiff University
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Spread the loveAn excellent first class undergraduate degree and a passion for Chemistry brought Nigerian Oluwaseun Mesele’s application for Cardiff University’s Commonwealth Shared Scholarship to the attention of the deciding scholarship committee. Rising above nearly 60 other applicants, Mesele is enjoying this highly prestigious award, enabling him to study his chosen programme, MSc Physical Organic … Read more