4 Ways to Effectively Use Online Learning

online learning courses
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Spread the loveDistance learning is one of the more popularized means of learning online. It simply means attaining education even though you live miles away from your educator. Discussion takes place online, where you only have to communicate to your teachers through e-mails and web chat conversations. This may be far from the conventional mode … Read more

Interview with Commonwealth Shared Scholarship winner at Cardiff University – Mesele Oluwaseun from Nigeria

Mesele Oluwaseun - Cardiff University
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Spread the loveAn excellent first class undergraduate degree and a passion for Chemistry brought Nigerian Oluwaseun Mesele’s application for Cardiff University’s Commonwealth Shared Scholarship to the attention of the deciding scholarship committee. Rising above nearly 60 other applicants, Mesele is enjoying this highly prestigious award, enabling him to study his chosen programme, MSc Physical Organic … Read more

When PhD & MBA Graduates Begin to Apply for Truck Driving Jobs

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Spread the loveWhen PHD and MBA holders compete in jobs reserved for lesser qualified candidates, it’s only human to ask questions. The Chairman and Chief Executive Director of Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote recently disclosed that PhD and MBA holders were among over 13,000 applicants that applied for the recent Graduate Executive Truck Driver in … Read more

13 Free Online Courses to Improve Your Writing Skills

writing resources
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Spread the loveArticle written and submitted by Kimberly Martinez Writing is a great way to share your thoughts, ideas and feelings with other people. There are many ways to use writing in your everyday life: while some people write for fun and entertainment, others do this for income, for education or to publish a book. … Read more

Free Online Education – How It’s Revolutionizing The Job Market

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Spread the loveThis guest post was written and submitted by Nate Ryerson. See full author’s bio below. For many centuries, universities and colleges have stood as golden gateways into the workforce. Without a degree from one of these hallowed institutions, the doors to many professions were completely shut off. While there are still many professions … Read more

4 Tips to Make the Most of Your Study Abroad Experience

Top 5 Destinations for Nigerian Students to Study Creative Arts and Design
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Spread the loveThis article was written and submitted by Melanie Foster Are you or someone you know preparing to embark on a study abroad program? If it’s you personally, you have probably been thinking about all the great things you’re going to do during your time away. Odds are there are a million things on … Read more