21 Networking Tips for Job Seekers to Build your Connection

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Spread the loveNetworking is a systematic approach to cultivating formal and informal contacts for the purpose of gaining information, enhancing visibility in the market, and obtaining referrals. Two-third (2 /3) of all jobs are secured through the process of networking. The internet is filled with fresh job opportunities every single day. Yet most of the … Read more

Three Exciting College Courses to Add to Your Class Schedule

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Spread the loveThis Article is Written and Submitted by Barbara Jolie There aren’t enough people in this world that are invigorated by education. With bustling libraries of literature and archives of useful websites around the world, why aren’t more people taking the opportunity to learn all that is available within their reach? To be frank, … Read more

101 Inspirational Quotes for Graduates – Get Motivated

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Spread the love101 Inspirational Quotes for Graduates Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular refills. Peter Davies Possibly, you are currently out of school, a graduate or employed and wondering what’s next. Or you are just in your current position right now planning … Read more

The more Facebook friends you have, the more likely you are to suffer from stress and anxiety says Psychologists

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Spread the loveWhile there are several positive values from using Facebook and other social media, the overuse can be harmful to one’s health. Nicholas Carr, Author of Shallows: How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember he states that the world-wide web is turning us into scattered and superficial thinkers. Nicholas … Read more

5 most commonly employed skills in Nigeria today – You’ll want to consider while choosing a career

Employes skills in Nigeria today
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Spread the loveMost graduates at some point begin to dislike their academic career choice. They wish they had studied something different though a lot of us will not want to admit it. It’s not such a bad thing to discover that the part you once thought was the right one for you suddenly turns out … Read more

Could it be that Thomas Edison was not Who we Thought he was? How about Nikola Tesla?

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Spread the loveI Stumbled Upon this post on StumbleUpon and find it intriguing enough to share with you. Most of us have heard and known about Thomas Edison as the inventor. However, this resource has a different story about him. How about Nikola Tesla? Have you heard about him? This dude, Nikola, was said to … Read more