7 Simple Ways Ordinary People Get Rich Legitimately – it almost feels like Cheating

7 Simple Ways Ordinary People Get Rich Legitimately
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Spread the loveYou have one brain, two hands, two legs and 24 hours in a day. How can you use these God-given resources to achieve the success you desire in a world of over 7 billion people? Some years ago, in my university days, I got involved in an argument with a group of students. … Read more

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Opportunities in the Energy Industry

Opportunities in the Energy Industry
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Spread the loveEnergy is one of the most important drivers of households, industries, and opportunities. Fuel and cooking gas are two energy products consumed daily in our homes. The fuel to power our cars, generating sets, and other engines, while cooking gas is used to prepare the meals you love so much. What about the … Read more

10 Mistakes Rich and Successful People Never Make

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Spread the loveSir Isaac Newton, the great scientist and philosopher once said “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” A Chinese proverb also said, “If you want to know what lies ahead, you ask those who are coming back”. Learning from the mistakes and experiences of others can make a … Read more

25 Technologies That Will Change the Future

Technology That Will Change the Future
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Technology is currently developing at a quick pace. These technologies will change the future

3 Stages of Money Skills You Need to Become Financially Free

Financial Freedom
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In this post, I’ll share with you the three levels of financial skills and how to make them work for you.

15 Most Underrated Things Poor People do to remain Poor

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Spread the loveThere are things people do every day that may seem harmless; But contributes to a large extent to keep them poor. Today, we bring you 15 most underrated things people do to remain poor. This post is brought to you by After School Africa. If you are new here, welcome. While you are … Read more