Why you donโ€™t need a Business Plan to Start a Business

Why you donโ€™t need a Business Plan to Start a Business
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Spread the loveI attended an entrepreneurship development program about 7 years ago, where participants were required to come up with an idea, research the market, write a bankable business plan under the supervision of a business development specialist and defend your project before a panel at the end of the training. Majority of my classmates … Read more

Why this is the Most Profitable Asset you can have today

Why this is the Most Profitable Asset you can have today
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Spread the loveWhat do you think is the greatest and most profitable asset you can have today? Is it real estate? Maybe, but it depends. Most people cannot afford a valuable piece of real estate. Is it then your university degree? Absolutely not. Money? Thatโ€™s very far from it. Gary Halbert a renowned direct response … Read more

Why Most Successes are Achieved During an Economic Recession? A lesson for you

Why Most Successes are Achieved During an Economic Recession
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Spread the loveYouโ€™ve probably heard it before that more generationally successful people and ideas are created during a recession; A time when most people are fearful and careful with their financial decisions; a time when most people spend their time either wondering when all this will end or escaping from the situation with entertaining activities. … Read more

10 Signs You Will Succeed as an Entrepreneur and May not Know It

10 Signs you will Succeed as an Entrepreneur and May not Know It
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Spread the loveHave you ever wondered if you have what it takes to succeed in business as an entrepreneur? Itโ€™s exciting to read the success of other entrepreneurs on Forbes magazine and entrepreneur.com; but behind the glamorous stories is blood, sweat and tears. Although not everyone is cut out for that; some people underestimate their … Read more

Why This Is the Most Important Skill Today and in Future

Why This is the Most Important Skill Today and in Future
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Spread the loveโ€œWe are sorry, your service is no longer neededโ€โ€ฆ many people have had this phrase over the past few months of economic lockdown. With that, many have watched their worst nightmare come to pass. Unfortunately, many people will still hear this by the time economic activities fully resumes. Itโ€™s a reality we will … Read more

10 Sure Signs You Should Become an Entrepreneur

10 Sure Signs You Should Become an Entrepreneur
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Spread the loveThe world needs entrepreneurs today more than ever before. Millions of people are losing their jobs. The government are swimming in debt. Opportunities abound disguised as problems. There is no better time to become an entrepreneur. But is entrepreneurship for everyone? From my experience as an entrepreneur, I donโ€™t believe everyone can be … Read more