How to Really Start from Nothing to Create Riches Today

Start from Nothing to Create Riches Today
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Spread the loveHere is a humbling realization โ€“ about 99 percent of your life is determined by your genetics, your upbringing and your early environment. And these are things you have zero control over. Most of what you are going to be and do is driven by who you are at the core. This is โ€ฆ Read more

3 Types of People During this Recession โ€“ Which Are You?

3 Types of People During this Recession โ€“ Which Are You?
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Spread the loveAre you a waiter, an insurer or a transformer? Read this post to find out how each category of people live through a recession, which you are and how it affects your outcome during and after this crisis. As economies around the world continue to head downwards due to the lockdown as a โ€ฆ Read more

Why You Donโ€™t Need to be Charismatic to Build a Successful Business

Why You Donโ€™t Need to be Charismatic to Build a Successful Business
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Spread the loveI once heard a business analyst describe Aliko Dangoteโ€™s speaking style as dull, non-energetic and non-charismatic. โ€œHe is not a classic example of the 21st-century businessman,โ€ he said. This was an armchair professional describing the richest black man alive today as uncharismatic. You can only imagine how this stereotype of what a successful โ€ฆ Read more

9 New Money Rules that is Making Ordinary People like You Super Rich

Money Rules that is Making Ordinary People like You Super Rich
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Spread the loveIn the past, business founders pass away before their company is worth a billion dollar. Today, billion dollar companies are built in less than two years. The paying field has flipped. Many laws of money like โ€œjust keep working hard and your reward will comeโ€ is no longer accurate. Technology is the new โ€ฆ Read more

5 Of My Best Free Business Tools Of All Time

Best Free Business Tools Of All Time
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Spread the loveSometimes, the best things in life are free. In over 10 years of building platforms and creating content online, Iโ€™ve had to use many different tools for different purposes. In some cases, it would have been impossible to achieve tangible results without the right tools. In other instances, these free tools are the โ€ฆ Read more