7 Ways Students Make Professional Connections Online

Online education is an amazing way to get a degree from anywhere in the world. But, without the opportunity to meet people in person and develop one-on-one relationships, it can be difficult to use an online degree program to make professional connections, as well. Traditional on-campus students often have an advantage when it comes to … Read more

Why you should make your last year in school count

college courses

The last year in school is one of the most important years in your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re in college, graduate school, business school or even high school—that last year of traditional education is critical for all students even if they don’t realize it. Asides from graduating and bagging that degree, why is … Read more

4 Things to Consider Before You go to Study Abroad

Guest Article Submitted by Pepper Givens A great way to learn while in school is through traveling to distant, unfamiliar places with a reputable education program. However, this can be an overwhelming confusing step to take, as there is no shortage of options available to current, interested students. So, if you think you’d like to … Read more

Another way to approach life after school other than go job hunting

“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson Traditionally, it’s the right thing to get on the street and start searching for a job in desperation once out of school or after NYSC. After all that seems to be why we … Read more

Scholarship Guide for Nigerian Students- Get a Free Copy.

I’ve been working on an eGuide (Downloadable Book) on ‘Complete Guide to Acquire Scholarships- for Nigerian Students’ (may decide to change the Title before launch date) recently and almost at it’s completion. See Table of Content. It’s been a long month so far, but I think it’s worth the effort. Right now I’m Working with … Read more