Do You Have an Idea that Eliminates the Use of Oil? Enter for the Climate Strategies Accelerator 2017 Now

The CSA invests in leaders and ideas that fill gaps and break new ground. We seek out climate change mitigation strategies in areas where NGO or philanthropic efforts are not yet focused, or areas that may require new, breakthrough approaches. Our past and current program leaders are pursuing strategies that change consumer and corporate behavior … Read more

10 Inspiring stories of Nigerians who quit their career, pursued their passion and Became Successful

Quit your Job! Pursure Passion! Become Successful

Sometimes we find ourselves at the crossroads of our career. It used to seem as if you knew where you were going but suddenly, you are left to ask the life-changing questions: Is this really what I want? Should I stick with this or try something different? Should I follow my passion or stick with … Read more