Why This Is the Most Important Skill Today and in Future

Why This is the Most Important Skill Today and in Future

“We are sorry, your service is no longer needed”… many people have had this phrase over the past few months of economic lockdown. With that, many have watched their worst nightmare come to pass. Unfortunately, many people will still hear this by the time economic activities fully resumes. It’s a reality we will have to … Read more

5 Skills African Employers are Looking for Today

Skills African Employers are Looking for Today

1,300 CEOs were asked what skills they are looking for in employees, and this was what they found out. A survey of 1,300 CEOs in 68 countries by PwC revealed that 98% of the CEOs in Africa are most concerned about the lack of skills in the market. With the world’s largest young population at … Read more

Everyone Should Try Coding – Here’s Why & How with Microsoft Hour of Code

Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn the basics of computer programming. Since we all communicate with at least one language, in an ever growing digital world, we should be able to basically communicate thoughts and ideas to computer programs. A recent study by Accenture predicts that digital technology will power … Read more