Top 10 Skills You Need to Thrive in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Skills 4th Industrial Revolution Skills

A constantly changing world requires adaptable skills to meet the needs of the hour. The need for highly specialized skills has driven today’s workforce into developing and honing new skills. If you find yourself in-between jobs or seeking to improve your current skills, this article offers you actionable tips to guide you. Also, you will … Read more

Top 5 Negotiation Skills You Should Master as an Entrepreneur

Top 5 Negotiation Skills You Should Master as an Entrepreneur

We all want to get as much as possible in each deal or negotiation. We can’t resist considering ourselves each time we have a negotiation. This isn’t selfishness but how we have been created and made by nature. Notwithstanding, to become a good negotiator, you’ll need to put your wants and needs aside and start … Read more

Why This Is the Most Important Skill Today and in Future

Why This is the Most Important Skill Today and in Future

“We are sorry, your service is no longer needed”… many people have had this phrase over the past few months of economic lockdown. With that, many have watched their worst nightmare come to pass. Unfortunately, many people will still hear this by the time economic activities fully resumes. It’s a reality we will have to … Read more

5 Skills African Employers are Looking for Today

Skills African Employers are Looking for Today

1,300 CEOs were asked what skills they are looking for in employees, and this was what they found out. A survey of 1,300 CEOs in 68 countries by PwC revealed that 98% of the CEOs in Africa are most concerned about the lack of skills in the market. With the world’s largest young population at … Read more

Road Map to Professional Success for Engineers not Taught in School – Online Course

Stuff You Don’t Learn in Engineering School

In this online course, Stuff You Don’t Learn in Engineering School, learn the essential soft skills technical professionals need in the workplace. Enrolment: Starts on February 21, 2017 Timeline: 4 weeks @ 2-3 hours per week Skill Level: Introductory Course of Study: Business & Management for Engineers| Course Platform: Created by: IEEE Cost: Free … Read more

13 Free Online Courses to Improve Your Writing Skills

writing resources

Article written and submitted by Kimberly Martinez Writing is a great way to share your thoughts, ideas and feelings with other people. There are many ways to use writing in your everyday life: while some people write for fun and entertainment, others do this for income, for education or to publish a book. Irrespective of … Read more