How Students can use Social Media in the Classroom

social media in class

Technology is ubiquitous these days. Everyone has a cell phone, a laptop, a tablet and/or an iPod. It seems that companies are constantly releasing new gadgets meant to save time and make life easier. This means that everything we do is centered around technology, including our personal lives and our workplace which also means that … Read more

Job Seeker: How Facebook is killing your chances of getting a job

facebook for job seekers

Why should you worry about social media- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn- when there are more important things to worry about; like dealing with the already crowded job market, writing a resume that gets you selected for interview? Actually, your Facebook profile activity can indirectly affect your chances of getting a job. Donโ€™t think so? According to … Read more

The more Facebook friends you have, the more likely you are to suffer from stress and anxiety says Psychologists

facebook stress

While there are several positive values from using Facebook and other social media, the overuse can be harmful to oneโ€™s health. Nicholas Carr, Author of Shallows: How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember he states that the world-wide web is turning us into scattered and superficial thinkers. Nicholas said, โ€œI … Read more

Facebook and Twitter as Addictive as Cigarettes & Alcohol – Do you agree?

Obviously, it will take some courage to admit addiction to social networking sites but a little honest evaluation will tell. How much of your time do you spend on social networking sites? Facebook and twitter. The irony of it is that social media sites are designed with one thing in mind, ‘to keep you coming‘ … Read more

Do You Add Facebook Profile/ Page to Your Resume or Business Card?

facebook for job seekers

Facebook has proven to be the fastest growing trend on the internet today. A household name, almost every web surfer and business is associated with at least a facebook profile and/or page. What can or can’t be done on this social networking site is limited by your imagination. I’ve read comments from people like, “My … Read more