10 Reasons Why You Should Study Marketing

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Marketing

Why should you study marketing? Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a particular product or service to prospective customers with the aim of selling that product or service. It involves managing, anticipating, and satisfying the demands for products or services. It also involves promoting a company’s ability to do so to its … Read more

15 Ways to Pay for Your Education If You Don’t Have Money

How to pay for your education

If you are looking for alternative means to pay your tuition fees and/or living expense, this article is for you. I’m going to share with you 15 possible ways to get financial aid or financial education to pay for your education. Most people want to further their formal education but funding is a major challenge. … Read more

20 English Expressions You Didn’t Know Were Wrong

English Expressions

What are English Expressions? English expressions are a group of words or various groups of words that are used in specific ways and they all have their particular meanings depending on the way they are used in a context. English expressions are divided into many different parts and all these parts cannot be mentioned. However, … Read more

Is School a Scam? 10 Reasons Why You Think School is a Scam Vs Why It Isn’t

Is School A Scam? 10 Reasons Why You Think School is a Scam Vs Why It Isn't

There is a lifelong debate on whether ‘school is a scam or not’. While some schools of thought believe the education system is a scam, most people still strongly believe that schooling is vital to learning and success. However, many young students feel as though the system forces them to take subjects they don’t like … Read more

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Law

Why You Should Study Law

Studying law is one of the toughest decisions to make. However, a lot of opportunities are offered to anyone who decides to take this path to develop the necessary skills needed to excel in the field. You will be able to have an in-depth understanding of almost any area of interest. If you want to … Read more

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Medicine

Why You Should Study Medicine

When it comes to studying medicine, people do so for a lot of reasons.  It could be as a result of personal calling, financial gain, career opportunities, prestige, and respect, or any other reason. Studying medicine is not an easy decision because it is long term commitment that comes with a lot of sacrifices. To … Read more